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Tennessee Concealed Carry Only
Online Permit Training
$39 course-only for one person
Done on your time and your schedule.
on your desktop, tablet, even smart phone.
Tennessee now offers two types of Handgun Carry Permits
1. Concealed Carry Only Permit (online training, 2 hours)
The Tennessee Concealed Carry Only Permit can be obtained by taking an online class. The Sate of Tennessee requires a course such as this one, in order to obtain the Tennessee Concealed Carry Permit.
Class and exam can be completed online in under 2 hours
No need to schedule 8 hours of in person classroom time
You do not have to qualify on the shooting range
Done on your time, your schedule, from the comfort of your home
Can be completed on desktop, tablet, or even your smart phone
Course registrations fees are non-refundable.
To take this course, click on this link
2. Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit (live training, 8 hours)
Shooter's Nashville also offers this State-required course for individuals looking to obtain their Tennessee Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit (HCP). The course must be completed and the participant must complete the written and shooting portions in order to obtain a Tennessee Enhanced Carry Permit. The class consists of four hours of classroom instruction followed by four hours of range time. You should be familiar with your firearm before taking this class. You will be required to qualify on the range.
Classroom discussion
Allows for both open and concealed carry
Instructor monitors and corrects handgun safety/handling
At this time has reciprocity agreements with 39 other States
To take this class, use this like to enroll now: Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit.
This class also requires registration with the State of TN at Click on “Handgun Permits”, fill in the requested information and click “log in”. You must do this prior to your desired class date to be assigned a required application number.
proper handgun safety
unlimited access
proper handgun safety